Here's Ms. Ella with her first toothless grin! She lost it last night and was visited by the Tooth Fairy who put a note and a 50cent piece under her pillow. Ella was overjoyed and proud all day!

Patiently waiting for her swim lessons to start...Ella sits at the piano and makes up a song or two.

Wanting a picture for his profile on Facebook, Eli poses with Brynn who has wild eyes! Those two can't keep their hands off each other. Brotherly...Sisterly love, I think they call it!

The sounds of summer thanks to Eli and his budding talent as a violinist! He has graduated from his current teacher and is now moving on to a new one. A new chapter in our lives and in his, too.

A glimpse of Ella in dad's studio. Always a favorite spot for her to play and explore!

Ella feeding our chickens hay! She is a funny girl...not afraid of animals or their antics!

The kids decided to get serious and earn some money for the summer. They made a sign and sold all of the figs off of our tree. 25 cents each; what a bargain! They made almost $40 and then called it quits.

Setting up for the day...shade umbrella, big sign and cozy chairs!

Ella is our chicken chaser. She runs and retrieves the hens who regularly escape their coop. She's not afraid to man handle the ladies and throw them back into their play yard.

We went overnight camping in our 1956 Mercury Camp Trailer at Red Cliffs Campground near Leeds. It's about 15 mins. from our house. We had a huge rock wall behind our camp and the kids climbed on it nonstop from the time we got there to the time we left!

Eli and Brynn investigating.

They each found their own hole to sit in and get out of the heat. It was a fun spot!

Here's the camp trailer and our truck that pulls it. We brought our bikes and our propane for was great!

Self portrait of Brynn..she grabbed the camera and took a few shots of herself. Notice the spider sac behind her. She was so intrigued by this. We have about six different pics. of it on our camera!

Ella pretended to be our puppy "Meatball" and went in and out of the dog kennel. Good times at the Wrankle's!